Crane Title: “Together We Soar”
by Rhonda McClure
Rhonda McClure is a Cranes on Parade III artist from WAHOO, NE
Artist Statement:
I have always worked with fiber, and as a child I stated I wanted to be an artist.
Growing up in rural central Nebraska, the success of my early intentions was questionable at best. It wasn’t until later in life that I discovered that my experience with textiles and art had quietly merged, and the world of fiber arts emerged.
“Timeless into endless, from innumerable into one, ‘Together We Soar’!”
Today my art is more lifestyle than medium. Wool is my preference, and most comes from our flock. Both media and subject of my recent works are taken literally from the environment and its inhabitants, both which I have spent a lifetime learning.
“Together We Soar” is the given title of a large crane sculpture, painted by Rhonda McClure. Using primarily black and white paint, the crane is semi-lifelike from a distance, but closer inspection will reveal the feather shapes are actually line drawings and silhouettes of tiny cranes. Arranged in a manner similar to the ‘pointillism’ technique, thousands of individuals merge into flocks, and rise into one. The foundation features their resting place of the Platte.
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