Full size 6′ Crane sculptures (14)
COP III | “Fashion’s Flight” by Rivkah Addy-Raffaeli
COP III | “Fashion’s Flight” by Rivkah Addy-Raffaeli
COP III | “Carlotta-Illustrated Crane” by Peg Fowler
COP III | “Carlotta-Illustrated Crane” by Peg Fowler
COP III | “Raising Crane – Korean Style” by John Lillyman
COP III | “Raising Crane – Korean Style” by John Lillyman
COP III | “Take Notice” by Susan Murray and Libby Clark
COP III | “Take Notice” by Susan Murray and Libby Clark
COP III “Cherry Blossoms at Mt. Fuji” | by Martha Pettigrew
COP III “Cherry Blossoms at Mt. Fuji” | by Martha Pettigrew
COP III | “Blushing Bird” by Peyton “Mia” Rodriguez
COP III | “Blushing Bird” by Peyton “Mia” Rodriguez
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