Crane Title: “Nebraska Artist”
by Carolyn Jacobsen
“Nebraska Artist” is a female crane diligently working on her art. Wearing a fresh apron, she holds a brush in her mouth as she ponders her next idea. Her palette is tucked under her wing, ready at a moment’s notice for Inspiration to strike.
Her trial and error process of creation is evident by the accumulation of media on the paint splattered floor. Discarded paintings litter the area while she enjoys exposing herself to art.
“As Artists, we were able to celebrate our state and community, demonstrate our creativity and price and encourage happiness and joy. How wonderful to see all of the smiling faces around the cranes. I take pride in my participation with CRANES ON PARADE III.”
Carolyn was selected for Cranes on Parade III and is a seasoned COP ARTIST…she participated in Cranes on Parade I and II and she found it to be an enlightening and enriching experience.
Through her love of art, Carolyn was able to contribute to the Kearney Community and its history. Not only did the projects raise funds for worthy organizations, Carolyn knows they promoted art and fostered many art discussions and continue to do so today.
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